1.) Client's Goal:
Sales of an Australia-based hormone balance coach's ebook at the top of the marketing funnel
2.) My Contribution:
-Wrote the sales copy of the entire ebook bundle and crafted high-converting Facebook ads
-Offered detailed consultation on organic marketing outreach through Facebook, Instagram, Quora, Reddit, and YouTube
-Generated 500+ cold and warm leads through comments and individual outreach
3.) Client Success:
- 388+ copies of the brand new ebook sold within 5 months and still ongoing
- Ebook funnel conversions lead to sales of DWY high-ticket coaching program worth $2,987
- Organic outreach lead to sales of mid-ticket DFY product worth $187
- New leads generated on autopilot based on previous outreach efforts through organic marketing from Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Quora